Vision Therapy (Orthoptics) is a combination of in-office and home based exercises designed to retrain the accomodative (focusing), vergence (eye teaming), and ocular motor (tracking) visual systems. It is a systematic series of exercises using lenses, prisms, computer software, polarized filters, and other equipment to improve innervational signals to ocular muscles.
Common diagnoses:
- Accomodative insufficiency
- Accomodative infacility
- Ocular motor dysfunction
- Convergence insufficiency
- Fusional vergence dysfunction
- Divergence excess
- Amblyopia
- Blur
- Headaches
- Eyestrain/fatigue
- Fatigue or sleepiness
- Squinting or rubbing eyes
- Poor reading comprehension
- Avoidance of reading
- Slow to complete board work
- Frequent loss of place
- Slow reading speed
- Difficulty copying from the board
- Covering an eye while reading
- Tilting head while reading